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Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) enables companies to improve customer satisfaction and reduce product liability risk by anticipating and preventing defects in design and manufacture. It introduces students to the FMEA methodology, applying it to product and process design, and demonstrates how the results of the FMEA are used

Course content

• Customer’s expectations and requirements
• Potential failure modes
• Consequences of failure
• Evaluating the “risk” using the RPN and prioritising areas for improvement
• Implementing corrective actions in product and process design
• Defining special characteristics and developing a control plan
• Case studies:
• Product Design FMEA
• Process FMEA

Who should attend?

• Manufacturing managers
• Quality managers
• Management representatives
• Internal auditors
• Vendor/supplier auditors
• Those with the responsibility to lead the transition process to ISO/TS 16949:2002

Course style

• knowledge based presentations
• group work activities

Duration : 1 day

Please feel free to contact us about any of your implementation and training services for achieving assessment, verification and certification needs; we will be pleased to assist your organization
