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ISO 14001   Environment
Demonstrating responsibility towards environment. Care for the environment improves the image of your company. At the same time, the appropriate management of environmental issues contributes positively to economic gain and increases the competitiveness of the company.
The ISO 14000 environmental management system standard help organizations minimize how their operations negatively affect the environment (cause adverse changes to air, water, or land) and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
ISO 14001 :The benefits to your organization
The overall idea is to establish an organized approach to systematically reduce the impact of the environmental aspects which an organization can control. Effective tools for the analysis of environmental aspects of an organization and for the generation of options for improvement are provided by the concept of Cleaner Production.
Some business benefits are:
There are a range of benefits associated with operating an effective Environmental Management Systems (EMS):


  • Cost savings through the reduction of waste and more efficient use of natural resources (electricity, water, gas and fuels.)
  • Avoiding fines and penalties from not meeting environmental legislation by identifying environmental risks and addressing weaknesses.
  • Reduction in insurance costs by demonstrating better risk management...

    Operational and Internal
  • Improved overall performance and efficiency.
  • Able to monitor and reflect (audit) your business and see which areas need intervention


  • Better public perception of the organization, leading to improved sales
  • Reduction of the impact (e.g. noises, smells, dust) of your activities on the local residents, leading to more community support

    The value of implementation from Universal Quality Assurance Services (UQAS)
    In every respect UQAS measures up to its reputation as a specialist in the field. In guiding organizations, stage-by-stage, through the implementation process by our own highly skilled consultant’s who carries the skill set to meet the requirements of the standards with their experience with related to your industry.
    UQAS Methodology for implementation
    At UQAS we follow the below approach

  • Contract signature
  • Gap Analysis
  • Defining the best way to operate
  • Documenting your practices
  • Deploying the procedures
  • Demonstrating the actions to certification body

    An stage by stage implementation of our approach will assist you in demonstrating the ability to meet the requirements of the standard in actions to certification body

    Please feel free to contact us  about any of your implementation and training services for achieving assessment, verification and certification needs; we will be pleased to assist your organization
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