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ISO 27001  Information Security
The ISO 27001 standard was published in October 2005, essentially replacing the old BS7799-2 standard. It is the specification for an ISMS, an Information Security Management System

The objective of the standard itself is to "provide a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving an Information Security Management System". Regarding its adoption, this should be a strategic decision. Further, "The design and implementation of an organization's ISMS is influenced by their needs and objectives, security requirements, the process employed and the size and structure of the organization
ISO 27001 :The benefits to your organization
• Ensures compliance with mandates and laws
• Provides the means for information security corporate governance
• Provides satisfaction and confidence of that customers' information security requirements are being met
• Allows for focused staff responsibilities
• Improves the effectiveness of the information security environment
• Allows for market differentiation due to a positive influence on company prestige and image, as well as a possible effect on the asset or share value of the company
• Reduces liability and risk due to implemented or enforced policies and procedures, which demonstrate due diligence
• Facilitates better awareness of security throughout the organization
• Provides competitive advantages and reduction in costs connected with the improvement of process efficiency and the management of security costs
• Potentially lowers rates on insurance
The value of implementation from Universal Quality Assurance Services (UQAS)
In every respect UQAS measures up to its reputation as a specialist in the field. In guiding organizations, stage-by-stage, through the implementation process by our own highly skilled consultant’s who carries the skill set to meet the requirements of the standards with their experience with related to your industry.
UQAS Methodology for implementation
At UQAS we follow the below approach

  • Contract signature
  • Gap Analysis
  • Defining the best way to operate
  • Documenting your practices
  • Deploying the procedures
  • Demonstrating the actions to certification body

    An stage by stage implementation of our approach will assist you in demonstrating the ability to meet the requirements of the standard in actions to certification body

    Please feel free to contact us  about any of your implementation and training services for achieving assessment, verification and certification needs; we will be pleased to assist your organization
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