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Quality Management System Training
Quality management courses will provide you with training in how to identify system problems, process problems, design quality problems, and more. With quality management training you will be able to do much more than recognize the issues, you will also have learned how to recommend changes and play a role in seeing their successful implementation. Some of the quality standards that you will become familiar with include the ISO 9001 standard, Six Sigma,TQM and how to implement a total quality management system

As a quality management professional you can find employment in almost any company that does substantial product development. You can find employment implementing strategic quality initiatives, as an auditor for quality management systems, or in business focused auditing. Success in your job will provide customers higher quality products, increase internal efficiency and internal morale.

ISO9001:2008 Internal Quality Auditor Training

One of the most important objectives of an internal quality audit is measuring the effectiveness of an organization's quality management system. For this to happen, executive management must first meet its overriding responsibility of establishing and maintaining a system regarding quality policy, goals, resources, processes and effective performance--including monitoring and measuring the system's effectiveness and efficiency. Read more

ISO9001:2008 update work shop

ISO9001 has undergone a rigorous review by industry experts and the updated version will be out soon. Users of ISO9001:2000 will have to upgrade their systems to ISO9001:2008. Customers will need the revised version of ISO9001 in order to keep their certificates up-to-date.Read more

ISO9001:2008 awareness 

ISO9001:2008 awareness training program is one day Training which will familiarize the participants with the ISO9001:2008.Read more