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ISO 20000
ISO/IEC 20000 is the first worldwide standard specifically aimed at IT Service Management. It describes an integrated set of management processes for the effective delivery of services to the business and its customers.
ISO/IEC 20000 is aligned with and complementary to the process approach defined within ITIL from the Office of Government Commerce (OGC).
ISO 20000: The benefits to your organization
• Alignment of information technology services and business strategy.
• Creation of a formal framework for current service improvement projects
• Provides a benchmark type comparison with best practices
• Creates competitive advantage via the promotion of consistent and cost-effective services.
• By requiring ownership and responsibility at all levels, it creates a progressive ethos and culture.
• Supports 'interchanging' of service providers and staff by virtue of the creation of inter-enterprise operational processes.
• Reduction of risk and thus cost in terms of external service receipt
• Through the creation of a standard consistent approach, aids major organizational changes.
• Enhanced reputation and perception
• Creation of a stable framework for both resource training and service management automation.
The value of implementation from Universal Quality Assurance Services (UQAS)
In every respect UQAS measures up to its reputation as a specialist in the field. In guiding organizations, stage-by-stage, through the implementation process by our own highly skilled consultant’s who carries the skill set to meet the requirements of the standards with their experience with related to your industry.
UQAS Methodology for implementation
At UQAS we follow the below approach

  • Contract signature
  • Gap Analysis
  • Defining the best way to operate
  • Documenting your practices
  • Deploying the procedures
  • Demonstrating the actions to certification body

    An stage by stage implementation of our approach will assist you in demonstrating the ability to meet the requirements of the standard in actions to certification body

    Please feel free to contact us about any of your implementation and training services for achieving assessment, verification and certification needs; we will be pleased to assist your organization
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