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Training Calendar
Environment Management System
This training programme provides delegates with the opportunity to network and gain the key competencies, skills and knowledge needed to confidently assess, manage and action environmental improvements on site.

Introduction to Environmental Management

A one day session designed to give small / medium sized businesses a complete overview of environmental management, including how to start a management system, understanding the law, carbon offsetting, global warming, minimizing environmental impacts, waste minimization, green transport and other ‘topical’ issues that now confront us on a daily basis. This course can include a brief site audit when conducted in-house. An ideal course for those seeking to implement [for example] ISO 14001. Read more

ISO 14001 internal auditor environment management system training

This two-day course is designed for personnel involved as ISO 14000 internal auditors of a company's Environmental Management System. Through analysis of the ISO 14000 standard as well as management auditing principles, the course will teach participants to function as effective Internal EMS Auditors and to interpret the ISO 14000 standard from an auditor's perspective. Case studies are used throughout the course to provide examples and to highlight the auditing function as a continuous improvement. Read more