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HACCP Awareness training


One day training programme on HACCP, will help to get an over view of the HACCP management system. HACCP Consisting of a self-inspection system which highlights potentially hazardous foods and how they are handled in the food service environment, it is now a legal requirement to have HACCP embedded in all food courses. If you work with food you and your employee must practice safe food procedures in line with HACCP systems

Course content

•The role of HACCP
•Legal obligations
•HACCP principles
•Hazard analysis
•CCP’s and Critical Limits
•Monitoring procedures
•Corrective Action
•Management of HACCP systems

Who should attend

Managers and other professionals who work in the Food and Drink industry and its supply chain who would like to understand the purpose, principles and requirements of ISO 22000:2005.

Course style

• knowledge based presentations
• group work activities

Duration : 1 day.

Please feel free to contact us about any of your implementation and training services for achieving assessment, verification and certification needs; we will be pleased to assist your organization.