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Implementing an occupational health and safety management system: Two day course
This course will present many of the theories, practices, and knowledge for the implementation and operation of an OHSMS.
Who should attend?
• Health and safety managers
• Managment
• Consultants
• Environmental or quality managers interested in implementing OHSMS
• Individuals recently tasked with implementing and OHSMS

Course content
• Understand the terminology of occupational health and safety management systems
• Explore the intent and interpretation of the individual clauses of OHSAS 18001
• Identify hazards and risks
• Understand the implementation stages
• Understand required documentation and records
• Learn best practice implementation techniques
• Identify and plan for required resources to implement an OHSMS

Course style
• knowledge based presentations
• group work activities

Duration :
2 days

Please feel free to contact us about any of your implementation and training services for achieving assessment, verification and certification needs; we will be pleased to assist your organization.