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Introduction to Environmental Management
A one day session designed to give small / medium sized businesses a complete overview of environmental management, including how to start a management system, understanding the law, carbon offsetting, global warming, minimizing environmental impacts, waste minimization, green transport and other ‘topical’ issues that now confront us on a daily basis. This course can include a brief site audit when conducted in-house. An ideal course for those seeking to implement [for example] ISO 14001

Key Session Topics

• The various international standards - ISO 14001, Eco-Management and Audit Regulation (EMAR)
• Management of Environmental Risks
• Exploration of ISO14001 requirements
• Timescales and resources that will be required
• Documentation methods
• Training issues
• Key implementation issues
• Integration with existing systems
• Links to Corporate Governance
• A practical interpretation of the Standard that will allow you to start implementing a management system based on ISO 14001:2004.
• An understand of how IS 14001 can fit into an integrated management system, including Corporate Governance.
Who Should Attend
• Personnel wishing to learn about the background to EMS.
• Representatives from organizations wishing to asses whether they should implement a standard such as ISO 14001, or Eco-Management and Audit systems.
Course Techniques
The course uses a series of workshops and discussion tutorials.
Consultancy assistance with attendees’ EMS implementation programmes can be provided.