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ISO9001:2008 update work shop
Users of ISO9001:2000 will have to upgrade their systems to ISO9001:2008. Customers will need the revised version of ISO9001 in order to keep their certificates up-to-date.

ISO9001:2008 specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS) where an organization:
• Needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements.
• Aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system. This includes processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity and applicable regulatory requirements
Course Outline
• Introduction to and overview of the ISO 9001 requirements
• The relevance of ISO 9001 to a business management system
• What is meant by Management Commitment
• Objective setting and factually based decision making
• How ISO 9001 may be used by your organization for business improvement
• The format and features of a process based management system
• The key issues for successful implementation

Benefits You will gain:
• A practical interpretation of the Standard to allow you to start implementing a management system based on ISO 9001:2008.
• An ability to look at your business with a process focus and identify your core business processes, i.e. those which create value in the business.
• An appreciation of how ISO 9001 can provide the structure for continual improvement of your organization and emphasize customer requirements.
• An understanding of the 8 Quality Management Principles that underpin the concepts behind ISO 9001 and which are essential to its effective implementation.
Who Should Attend
• Managers
• Quality Professionals/Management Representatives
• Internal and external auditors
• Those who wish to gain an understanding of ISO 9001:2008
(This seminar is also valuable when run in-house to provide personnel with an overview of ISO 9001 as part of the overall implementation process. It also acts as a starting point for gaining everyone's involvement in the Quality Improvement process.)
Course Techniques
An introduction to the subject is given through tutorials and interactive workshop sessions. Specific time is allocated to allow you to raise questions relating to your own organization for discussion in open forum.
• Consultancy/implementation assistance
• Auditor training